akv-exam training
for dentists
Are you planning on working in the Netherlands as a registered dentist? This might mean you have to pass the akv-exam. We can help you prepare for the language tests A and B of the akv-exam.
We offer the following lessons:
- private
- duo
- group courses (starts with a minimum of 3 inscriptions)
Lesson content
Our students are dentists who are planning on taking the akv-exam, either both part A and B or only one of the two tests that measure knowledge of the Dutch language. They have been working as a dentist in the Netherlands for a while and want to get a BIG-registration, or they ar planning on moving to the Netherlands soon.
For these lessons a knowledge of Dutch at a minimum of B2 is required. Is your Dutch not at a B2-level yet? No problem, we can work on your general language level too. Send us a message to test your level and discuss the options.
During our lessons we will prepare you for the parts of the akv-exam that measure your knowledge of the Dutch language: Part A and part B. This means we will focus on the following:
- Summarising and presenting an article about dentistry
- Conversation between patient and dentist
- Writing a treatment rapport
- Usefull sentences
- Relevant grammar to perfect your writing skills
- The application of dental jargon
Private lesson: €65,-
Private lesson online: €58,50
Duo lesson: €75,-
Duo lesson online €67,50
Group lessons: contact us for the costs
These rates include:
– feedback on homework
– tailor made exercises
– individual lesson plan
– effecient, interactive and fun lessons
Excluded are:
– One time fee for our home made exam preparation materials: video’s, grammar exercises, example summaries, lists with usefull sentences, and more (costs: €17,50)