We love making lesson materials! In recent years we have had the pleasure of lending a hand to collegues in their writing process. Here you find an overview of the publications we had a small contribution to.
Speaking in Dutch is not only a learning goal, it is also a way to learn the language. We were therefore thrilled to be asked by Emily Palmer to share some thoughts and feedback on her amazing book Spreken met beeld (Speaking with images). We discussed topics and exercises in its early writing phase. Thank you for asking our insights, Emily!
Spreken met Beeld | Spraakmakende plaatjes voor anderstaligen
Uitgeverij Coutinho
2022, Emily Palmer en Hanna Maas
ISBN: 9789046907788
You can buy the book HERE.
Since 2020 we have had the pleasure of working for and with Sandra Wormgoor, owner and teacher at the online language school Taaltutor. Sandra has a lot of experience teaching languages online and in 2021 she and her collegue Mary van den IJssel wrote a book on the subject.
Since we are also big fans of online (private) language lessons, we were exited to be asked to contribute. In the book you will find an example of an exercise for online language teaching that is exemplary for our teaching style: interactive, practical, useful and full of ‘real Dutch’.
Grenzeloos lesgeven | Praktische gids voor de zelfstandige online taaldocent
Uitgeverij Coutinho
2021, Sandra Wormgoor & Mary van den IJssel
ISBN: 9789046907900
You can buy the book HERE.